The Magical Tale of Santa Dust - A Christmas Tradition Book

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Believe! Begin a new Christmas Eve tradition this holiday season. Every child wonders: How will Santa find me? How will he know where I live? Help your child guide Santa and his reindeer directly to their door with magical Santa Dust. Includes: 32 page illustrated picture book 1 pouch of magical Santa Dust Christmas Tree Ornament Storage Case The Magical Tale of Santa Dust is the magical tale of 2 small children who, a Christmas Eve, sit by their window eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa, only to be bypassed on his yearly journey. Saved by the antics of a giggling, bungling elf, and some magical dust, their Christmas dream come true. Hang Tag: Sprinkle on the ground at night, the moon will make it sparkle bright. Santa's reindeer fly and roam, This will lead him to your home! Santa Dust is non toxic and consists of glitter & MAGIC! AWARDS: Mom's Choice Award Chosen by Marriott Hotel for Live Yearly Event